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AMPropertyDef object

An AMPropertyDef defines a property (field) in the vault.

Name Description

DefaultValue property

Not used.

DisplayName property

Descriptive name.

ID property

Object ID.

Length property

Not used.

Name property

The internal name.

PropertyEffectivityType property

The effectivity type. See About property effectivity.

PropertySet property

Reference to the AMPropertySet object the property belongs to.

Type property

The data type. See About data types.


Any AMPropertyDef can be used to assign a property to any object stored in the vault. In general most properties will only be used for a specific type of object.

By default a new object in the vault has No Value (Null) for all properties. If an object has no value for a property, no space will be reserved in the database.

(missing or bad snippet)

AMPropertySet object